More lovely purses to add to my vintage collection.
This purse was gifted to me from Dave's sister Debbie. It's too cute! I've already used it on several occasions.
I picked this bag up at a thrift store while I was in Riverside for a friend's wedding. This will be my last purchase of these Mexican styled tourists bags. Now I have them in all shapes, colors, and sizes.
I couldn't pass on this Lucite Jadeite hued bangle. The picture doesn't do it justice. (I know, I know. A new camera is on the top of my wish list).
Couldn't pass on this nautical themed top. I love the buttons up the back.
I thought this elegant late 60's handmade dress would fit in perfectly with my ever growing vintage collection. Looking forward to having an excuse to wear it soon.
I have seen this style of purse on various occasions but couldn't pass it up this time for a measly $2.00. Found this handbag at a thrift store in Anaheim shopping after a day spent at Disneyland.
The following were my recent estate sale buys. I found out that these "Do It Yourself" needlepoint broaches were pretty popular in the past. I hadn't seen anything like it and loved the floral pattern. The fish broach was too cute to pass on.
I have been loosely shopping around for a vintage compact and came across this samurai compact for $1.00. Don't be timid about purcashing one of these. It's very easy to take out the old powder container and replace it with a new one.
My biggest and latest news is that I can officially add "Auntie" to my list of titles. My sister gave birth to baby Paige Margaret (my grandmother's name) on November 21st. I have yet to meet her and am counting down the days until Christmas break when I will get the chance to visit them. She is just absolutely perfectly precious in every way!
Till' Next Time,