Dave helped me in getting the tree up and helped putting on the decorations. I was able to dress up the tree with decorations I purchased of shiny vintage tree bulbs from a recent thrifting outing in Anaheim. This is the time of year to shop for vintage decorations while thrifting.
I love having the color wheel. It's hard to show in these picture but I actually purchased a vintage Holly Time revolving tree stand. It's pretty mesmerizing and I catch myself uncontrollably starring at it at times when it's turned on.
The mighty color wheel.
My blogger friend Janey at Atomic Redhead has some fantastic blogs on her own collection of aluminum Christmas trees. Here is a link to her most recent blog about the purchase of a pink aluminum tree. Simply amazing! http://atomicredhead.com/2012/11/23/why-hello-there-pink-aluminum-tree/
As like my Halloween tradition, Jack is out and about having perched himself in the tree just below the star.
Here is one of the vintage decorations I purchased in Medford, Oregon back in October while out thrifting with my family.
No tree (in my house at least) would be perfect without a touch of tiki.
After talking to my grandma about my purchase she mentioned that she had one in her garage and would be happy to pass it onto me. The one she gave me is a four foot tree and a beauty at that. I don't have room in my apartment to have them both up but will hold onto it for future use in a bigger home someday. It belonged to my great grandma Annie. My grandma also passed on some original tree ornaments of she and my grandpa's from their first tree together in 1950. I'm honored she has passed these treasures down to me.
I celebrated my birthday with friends this year by having dinner at Benihana's. We had a very entertaining cook and delicious dinner, drinks, and superb cake to top off the evening. I'm so lucky to have all these great people in my life. Dave was unfortunately unable to attend due to his work schedule. He made up for it with roses and a fantastic vintage emerald costume jewelry set.
This ended up being a very sad week but it did bring the family together. I was able to meet my niece Paige sooner than expected. Here is a picture of me holding her for the first time. Please disregard my mess of a self having just been in the car for a nine hour drive. It was all worth it to hold that precious baby girl.