I am a huge fan of the movie "The Princess Bride". This is one of my must have movies to watch when I'm home sick in bed. If you are not familiar with this timeless classic fantasy, do yourself a favor and watch it as soon as possible. I came across the book and knew I had to buy it. There is actually a ten or so page forward written by William Goldman who previously wrote the book years before it's theatrical release and his struggle to get the film made with his screenplay. That behind the scenes story alone is a good reason to read this book if you are given the chance or a die hard fan of the film.
I love the pattern on this 80's floral printed dress. Looking forward to wearing it soon.
This was my big find at the bi-monthly Frock You Vintage Boutique sale in August. It's my first Dorset-Rex Lucite purse. The black satin lining was flawless. The metal has a bit of dark spots but Dave has assured me he can fix this.
This moai shelf was my only purchase this year from Tiki Oasis. I got to pick what was put on the top shelf and Dave got the bottom shelf. I also added my Doug Horne monster prints on either side for a nice touch. I purchase those signed prints at the Grand National Roadster show last January.
Doesn't it look great in the living room.
This has been on my to do list for about two years now or at least ever since I bought my vanity set. I found this awesome tiki themed barcloth at a local fabric store. Dave helped me and it took him literally maybe five minutes to take off what turned out to be a pillow case form the 70's and replace it with this lovely fabric.
Dave and I were La Jolla about a week ago and came across an estate sale. I bought this organizer tray for $1 and promptly replaced the newer plastic trays I currently had in my vanity.
I cannot believe my luck. Dave and I visited our favorite thrift store and I scored another black velvet painting. This one matches the theme of the previous find but is slightly bigger. I just love it!!
I found these silver lined blue tablecloths and napkins at the same store. I love any silver and blue combination colored items. These will look killer on our formica dinning table set.
I bought this black velvet swing coat as well. It fits perfectly and was truly an amazing find. I spotted the union made tag which dates back to the 1940's according to Dave. This will be fun to wear in the winter months.
I loved too that it was made right here in San Diego. I did some research but was unfortunately not able to dig up any information on Jeran's of San Diego.
Cute near new looking vintage chiffon nightie dress.
Vintage San Diego made sweater.
Here is my favorite clothing find of this trip to the thrift store. A swing dancing Mickey and Minnie Mouse blue felt circle skirt!! I paid a whole $2.00 for it. It was a little snug and first fit but then Dave ironed it for me and did his magic to stretch it out a little. I plan on wearing this to Rock Around the Park at Disneyland in November.
Till' Next Time,